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Dr. J.A. Montero Argudo

Cirujano Cardiaco

  • Licenciado en Medicina y Cirugia por la Universidad de Valencia.

  • Doctor en Medicina Cum Laude por la Universidad de Córdoba

  • Ex-Jefe de Servicio del H. La Fe y H. General de Valencia.

  • University Studies: Bachelor of Medicine from the University of Valencia 1965-1971.

  • Cardiovascular Surgery Specialist: Trained at the Hospital La Fe de Valencia during the years 1971-1976.

  • DEGREE OF DOCTOR with the qualification APTO "CUM LAUDE" at the University of Córdoba on March 18, 1991. Title: TREATMENT OF RAYNAUD'S SYNDROME: SEROTONIN INHIBITORS.

  • To expand my training I worked in the following European and North American centers:
    - Vascular Surgery: Saint Joseph Hospital in Marseille (France) with Prof Robert Courbier
    - St. Marys Hospital, London, with Dr. Jhon T. Hobbs and Nicolaides
    - Grenoble Hospital, France, with Dr. Franco
    Center D´Echographie et D´Exploración Medicale, Paris, with Dr.
    - Congenital Heart Disease : Hospital La Paz de Madrid, with Dr M. Quero
    and at the Hospital for Sick Children: ”Great Ormond Street" London, Dr. Stark
    - Valvular Surgery: Harefield Cardio-Thoracic Center, (England) Dr. Yacoub
    Wolsgrave Hospital, Coventry (England) Dr. G. William and Abbey Smith
    Broussais Hospital in Paris with Prof Alain Carpentier
    - Coronary Surgery : Cleveland Clinic Fundatiion, Cleveland (USA) with Dr. Cosgrove
    - Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Surgery: Baylor University, Texas, (USA) with Dr. Coselli, and at The Mount Sinai Hospital NY (USA) with Dr. Randall Griep
    - Heart and Lung Transplant Surgery : Papwort Hospital, Cambrige (England), Mr T. English and J. Wallwork; Groupe Hospitalier Petie-Salpetrie, Paris, Prf Cabrol; Loma Linda University Hospital (USA) Prof. Leonard Bailey

Academic training

Formacion Académica

  • Professional experience
    1. Director of the Cardiovascular Diseases Area at the Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe (Valencia 31/5/2012)
    2. Head of the Cardiovascular Surgery Service of the Hospital Universitari i Politècnic La Fe. (Valencia 2/11/2005).
    3. Head of the Cardiac Surgery Service of the Hospital General Universitari de Valencia (1/11/91)
    4. Clinical Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery of the Reina Sofía University Hospital in Córdoba (12/28/1977)
    5. Principal Investigator of the Research Group on Heart Regeneration and Transplantation at the La Fe Health Research Institute.

  • Academic experience
    1. Accreditation for the University access contest by the Council of Universities (5/8/2012).
    2. Associate Professor in Health Sciences in the Department of Surgery of the University of Valencia (12/30/2004).
    3. Professor in the Master of Biomedical Biotechnology at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. (12/6/2016).
    4. Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Valencia. (6/27/1996)
    5. Associate Professor in Health Sciences in the Department of Surgery of the University of Córdoba. (12/2/80)

Professional experience

Experiencia Profesional
  • Coronary surgery

  • Valve surgery

  • Aortic reconstructive surgery (David's operation)

  • Mitral repair surgery

  • Surgery for thoracic aortic aneurysms

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy surgery (I have designed my own technique)

  • Surgery for congenital heart disease in adults

  • Pacemaker implant surgery

  • Cardiopulmonary and heart transplant surgery

  • Ultimate Mechanical Heart Implants (Heart Ware Type)

  • ECMO-type circulatory support system implantation

Areas of expertise

Areas de especializacion

Scientific societies:

• Full MEMBER of the “International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery”.

• Full MEMBER of the “International Society for Angiology”.

• Numerary MEMBER of the “Andalusian Society of Angiology”.

• Numerary MEMBER of the “Andalusian Society of Cardiology”.

• Numerary MEMBER of the "Spanish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery".

• Associate MEMBER of the “Spanish Society of Cardiology”.

• Full MEMBER of the “European Association for Cardiothoracic Surgery”.

• Full MEMBER of the “International Society for Heart Transplantation”.

• Numerary MEMBER of the “Organ Procuremen Society”.

• Numerary MEMBER of the Valencian Society of Cardiology

• Numerary member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of the Valencian Community. Armchair No. 47. Admission speech April 26, 1999: "Deep hypothermia and retrograde cerebral perfusion in thoracic aortic aneurysms".


More than 100 publications in national and international magazines. Here the most outstanding ones:
1. Comparison between the radial artery and the right internal thoracic artery: which is the second arterial graft choice? Mª J. Dalmau, S. Cánovas, F. Hornero, O. Gil, R. García Fuster, JA Montero.Th. Cardiovascular Surgery 2003, 51 (yes) CSD-5115
2. Aortic valve replacement in patients older than 70 years. Determinants of early mortality. R. García Fuster, JA Montero, O. Gil, F. Hornero, S. Cánovas, Mª. Well, MªJ. Dalmau. Rev. Española de Cardiología 2003; 56; 368-76
3. Left ventricular mass index in aortic valve surgery. A new index for early valve replacement?
R. García Fuster, JA Montero, O. Gil, F. Hornero, S. Cánovas; MªJ. Dalmau, Mª Bueno, J.Buendía. Europ J. Of Car. Torca. Surg. 2003; 20, 1-7
4. Penetrating arteriosclerotic ulcer of the descending aorta. F. Hornero, JA Montero, V. Cervera. Rev Esp Cardiol 2003; 56 (3): 314-14.
5. Comprehensive experience with the Ross operatorion in Spain. Concha M, Gonzalo Pradas, Juffe A., Caffarena JM, Montero A, Aranda PJ European J. of Cardio Thoracic Surgery 2003 24: 521-526.
6. Surgery for left ventricular free wall rupture: Match glue repair without Extracorporeal circulation. Cánovas SJ Lim E, Hornero F., Montero J. Europ J. cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2003 23: 639-61
7. Midterm clinical and echocardiographic results with match glue repair of left ventricular free wall rupture. Cánovas SJ, Lim E, Dalmau MJ, Bueno M, Buendia J, Hornero F, GilO, García R, Paya R, Perez J, Echanove I, Montero J. Circulation 2003 (Suppl. III) II 237, II-240.
8. Complete myocardial revascularization and Dor technique in a case of left lung agenesis. Fuster, RG, Buendia JA, Estornell J, Montero JA. J. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2006. Feb; 131 (2): 466-7.
9. Virtual vascular endoscopy for acute aortic dissection. Hornero F, Cervera V, Estornell J, Rodriguez I, Buendia JA, Esteban JM, Montero JA. Ann Thorac Surg. 2005 Aug; 80 (2): 708-10.
10. True versus false ventricular aneurysm: accurate diagnosis with gadolinium magnetic resonance. Garcia Fuster R, Estornell J, Hornero F, Montero JA. Ann Thorac Surg. 2005 Oct; 80 (4): 1528.
11. Complete myocardial revascularization and Dor technique in a case of left lung agenesis. Fuster RG, Buendia JA, Estornell J, Montero JA. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2006 Feb; 131 (2): 466-7.
12. Trends in Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery: Changing Type of Surgical Patient. Garcia Fuster R, Montero JA, Gil O, Hornero F, Canovas S, Bueno M, Buendia J, Rodriguez I. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2005 May; 58 (5): 512-522.
13. Surgical ablation of permanent atrial fibrillation by means of maze radiofrequency: mid-term results. Hornero F, Rodriguez I, Bueno M, Buendia J, Dalmau MJ, Canovas S, Gil O, Garcia R, Montero JA. J Card Surg. 2004 Sep-Oct; 19 (5): 383-8.
14. Atrial remodeling after mitral valve surgery in patients with permanent atrial fibrillation. Hornero F, Rodriguez I, Buendia J, Bueno M, Dalmau MJ, Canovas S, Gil O, Garcia R, Montero JA. J Card Surg. 2004 Sep-Oct; 19 (5): 376-82.
15. Human dental pulp stem cells improve left ventricular function, induce angiogenesis, and reduce infarct size in rats with acute myocardial infarction. Gandia C, Armiñan A, García-Verdugo JM, Lledó E, Ruiz A, Miñana MD, Sanchez-Torrijos J, Payá R, Mirabet V, Carbonell-Uberos F, Llop M, Montero JA, Sepúlveda P. Stem Cells. 2008 Mar; 26 (3): 638-45.
16. Long-term storage in liquid nitrogen does not affect cell viability in cardiac valve allografts. Mirabet V, Carda C, Solves P, Novella-Maestre E, Carbonell-Uberos F, Caffarena JM, Hornero F, Montero JA, Roig RJ. Cryobiology. 2008 Oct; 57 (2): 113-21.
17. Cardiac differentiation is driven by NKX2.5 and GATA4 nuclear translocation in tissue specific mesenchymal stem cells. : A. Armiñan, C. Gandia, MC Bartual, JM García-Verdugo, J. Barea, JA Montero and P. Sepúlveda. Stem Cells and Development 2009 Jul -Aug; 18 (6): 907-18.
18. Differences in early postoperative complications in elective and emergency heart transplantation. Agüero J, Zarragoikoetxea I, Almenar L, Valera F, Vela A, Porta J, Martínez-Dolz L, Vicente JL, Heredia T, Montero JA, Salvador A. Transplant Proc. 2008 Nov; 40 (9): 3041-3. Epub 2008 Oct 15.
19. Correlation between beta-adrenoceptors and G-protein-coupled receptor kinases in pretransplantation heart failure. Agüero J, Almenar L, D'Ocon P, Oliver E, Montó F, Moro J, Castelló A, Rueda J, Martínez-Dolz L, Sánchez-Lazaro I, Montero JA. Transplant Proc. 2008 Nov; 40 (9): 3014-6.

irculation 2003 (Suppl. III) II 237, II-240.
20. Experience, outcomes and impact of delayed indication for video-assisted wide septal myectomy in 69 consecutive patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Heredia Cambra T, Doñate Bertolín L, Bel Mínguez AM, Hernández Acuña CE, Schuler M, Pérez Guillén M, Margarit Calabuig JA, Montero Argudo JA. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2013 Jul; 44 (2): e149-55.
- Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha contributes to cardiac healing in mesenchymal stem cells-mediated cardiac repair.
Cerrada I, Ruiz-Saurí A, Carrero R, Trigueros C, Dorronsoro A, Sanchez-Puelles JM, Diez-Juan A, Montero JA, Sepúlveda P.
Stem Cells Dev. 2013 Feb 1; 22 (3): 501-11.


1. Income and medal of the Civil Order of Health, with the category of Simple Cross.
Awarded by Excma. Mrs. Minister of Health and Consumption. Royal Decree 1270/1983, of March 30.
2. Philip K. Caves Award for 1991. By the International Society for Heart Transplantation.
Paris 1991
3. Award from the Spanish Society of Cardiovascular Surgery (Boehringer Ingelheim Award) Granada (May 1988)

4. Awarded by the Illustrious Official College of Physicians of Valencia with the Medical Contest Recognition of a Whole Professional Life in 2018.

5. Winner of the IV edition of the Professional Career Recognition Award by the Collegiate Medical Organization (OMC).

Premios y Publicaciones


Comments taken from the page

Anonymous user

As a person he is exceptional and as a doctor the best. Thanks to him and his team, my husband is doing great. Exceptional

Anonymous user

Hello, my son was operated on April 20 by Dr. Montero, a 10 for him and his entire team on October 9 and also a 10 for Antonio

Anonymous user

I was operated on for 5 bypasses in 2005 and thanks to him and his team I am phenomenal. I have done the Ssantiago path several times, hiking, biking ...

Anonymous user

It's unique. And exceptional patient care . Not a day goes by, and this has been more than 6 years ago, that I have no reason to remember him and give him infinite thanks

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